
The following version of the constitution, found in John Attree's memorabilia, was undated and is unlikely to be either the original or the current version. It may date from 1973/74 Season when the club name changed from "AERE Harwell" to "Harwell".



1. Title

The Club shall be called the Harwell Rugby Union Football Club.

2. Objects

The object of the Club shall be to organise and encourage the playing of Rugby Union Football and to foster and maintain a good club spirit amongst the players.

3. Membership

All members of the Club must be members of the A.E.R.E. Harwell Recreational Association.

4. Subscription

The annual subscription shall be £1. Reduced rates of subscription may be charged for non-playing members and junior members at the discretion of the A.G.M. The subscription shall fall due on 1 October. Any member who plays five games or less during the season may be entitled to a rebate on his subscription. Match fees shall be payable on a scale determined by the A.G.M.

5. Committee

The management of the Club shall be administered by a committee consisting of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixture Secretary, Captains of teams, Team Secretaries, and as many general members as are required to run the affairs of the Club. The committee shall normally be elected at the A.G.M., but if any member of the committee resigns during the year the committee can:

    • Elect a replacement from the existing members of the committee if the retiring member be an officer

    • Elect a replacement from the Club members if the retiring member be other than an officer

Quorum for the committee meetings shall be 6, plus the Chairman or his nominee

The Committee shall normally meet every month during the playing season and at intervals determined by necessity during the closed season.

6. Sub-Committees

The committee shall, as necessity arises, elect from its members, representatives or sub-committees to look after such matters as entertainments, tours, sevens, representation on Recreation Association Committees etc. These representatives or sub-committees shall be responsible to the main committee.

These sub-committees may co-opt help from club members if necessary.

7. President and Vice-Presidents

A Club President can be elected from time to time. The President will hold office until such tme as he resigns or is removed by the A.G.M. Vice-Presidents may be elected annually by the committee. The subscription for Vice-Presidents shall be £2 (minimum) per annum. The Presidents and Vice-Presidents may sit on the committee.

8. Elections

All the committee, with the exceptions in Section 7, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations and items for the agenda should be submitted, in writing, to the Secretary at least ten days before the A.G.M. No motions, other than those on the agenda, may be raised at the A.G.M.

9. Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held within three weeks of the end of the season. Notice in writing shall be given by the Secretary to all members at least seven days prior to the meeting.

10. Constitution

The constitution of the Club' can only be altered at a General Meeting. Notice of any amendment to the constitution must be circulated in. writing to all member of the Club at least seven days before the meeting.

11. Extraordinary General Meeting

An Extraordinary General Meeting must be called within fourteen days of receipt by the Secretary of a written request by not less than ten members. The committee shall be able to call an extraordinary General Meeting if circumstances necessitate it.

12. Life Membership

The Club may, at the A.G.M., admit to life membership of the Club, such past or present members as have rendered significant service to the Club.

13. Accounts

The Treasurer shall be charged to keep a true record of the accounts and shall present at the A.G.M. a statement showing the anticipated state of the accounts for the season. The financial year of the Club shall end on' 30 June. Within a reasonable period of this date, the Treasurer shall present an audited statement of the accounts to the committee and Club.

The accounts shall be audited by two auditors elected at the A.G.M.

14. Vice-Captains

The Vice-Captains of all XV's will be chosen by the respective captains in consultation with the committee at the beginning of the season.

15. Coach

The committee shall do all in its power to appoint a club coach or coaches. Such coach or coaches will be in charge of the coaching of

players and teams in consultation with the respective captains. All such posts shall be honorary.

16. Selection Committee

The selection committee shall be responsible for the selection of all teams. It will consist of:

    • Chairman

    • President

    • Secretary

    • Coach

Each team captain or his nominated representative and any non-playing members as the main committee see fit to appoint.